Body Dysmorphic Disorder Quiz: Do You Have BDD? (2024)

What is body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)?

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a mental health condition where a person is preoccupied with perceived flaws in their appearance, often to the point where it affects their daily life and functioning.

What are some common symptoms of BDD?

Some common symptoms of BDD include obsessing over a perceived physical flaw, spending excessive time checking or hiding the perceived flaw, feeling distressed or anxious about the flaw, and avoiding social situations or activities because of the perceived flaw.

How is BDD diagnosed?

BDD is typically diagnosed by a mental health professional through a clinical assessment that includes a review of symptoms, medical history, and a physical exam.

Is BDD common?

BDD is estimated to affect around 2% of the general population and is equally common among men and women.

What causes BDD?

The exact cause of BDD is not known, but it is believed to be related to a combination of genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors.

Can BDD be treated?

Yes, BDD can be treated with a combination of therapy and medication. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is often effective in helping a person overcome negative thought patterns and behaviors related to their appearance.

What is the first step in treating BDD?

The first step in treating BDD is to seek help from a qualified mental health professional.

Are there any medications that can help with BDD?

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), a type of antidepressant medication, can be helpful in reducing symptoms of BDD.

What is the difference between BDD and normal insecurities about one's appearance?

BDD is different from normal insecurities about one's appearance in that it involves obsessive and distressing thoughts that can significantly impact a person's daily life and functioning.

Can BDD be cured?

While there is no known cure for BDD, the condition can be managed and symptoms can be reduced through therapy and medication.

Is BDD only related to physical appearance?

While BDD is typically related to perceived physical flaws, some people with BDD may also have concerns about other aspects of their body, such as their weight or muscle tone.

Can BDD lead to other mental health conditions?

BDD is often associated with other mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Can BDD affect children and teenagers?

Yes, BDD can affect children and teenagers. Mental Health America has information about BDD and youth on their website, including warning signs to look out for and tips for parents and caregivers.

What is the age range for onset of BDD?

BDD typically starts in adolescence or early adulthood, but can occur at any age.

What is one of the biggest challenges for people with BDD?

One of the biggest challenges for people with BDD is overcoming the shame and embarrassment associated with their appearance concerns.

How is BDD different from an eating disorder?

While both BDD and eating disorders involve body image concerns, BDD is specifically related to perceived physical flaws, while eating disorders involve weight and food-related concerns.

Can BDD be passed down through families?

There is some evidence to suggest that there may be a genetic component to BDD, but more research is needed to fully understand the link.

What is the impact of BDD on relationships?

BDD can have a significant impact on relationships, as a person may avoid social situations or struggle with intimacy due to their appearance concerns.

Are there any self-help strategies for managing BDD?

While self-help strategies alone are not typically enough to manage BDD, there are some things a person can do to support their mental health, such as practicing self-care and seeking social support.

Can cosmetic surgery help with BDD?

While cosmetic surgery may be desired by some people with BDD, it is not an effective treatment for the condition and can potentially make symptoms worse.

Is BDD related to body dysmorphia?

Yes, BDD is also known as body dysmorphic disorder, and the two terms are often used interchangeably.

What are some potential risk factors for developing BDD?

Potential risk factors for developing BDD include a family history of the condition, a history of abuse or trauma, and certain personality traits, such as perfectionism.

Do people with BDD recognize that their thoughts and behaviors are abnormal?

Some people with BDD may recognize that their thoughts and behaviors related to their appearance are abnormal, while others may not.

What is the role of therapy in the treatment of BDD?

Therapy, specifically cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), can help a person with BDD identify and challenge negative thought patterns and behaviors related to their appearance.

Can BDD cause suicidal thoughts or behaviors?

In severe cases, BDD can lead to suicidal thoughts or behaviors, especially if a person feels hopeless or helpless about their appearance concerns.

What is the relationship between BDD and social anxiety?

BDD is often associated with social anxiety, as a person may avoid social situations due to their perceived physical flaws and fear of negative judgment.

How common is BDD in men?

BDD is equally common in men and women, although men may be less likely to seek help for the condition.

Can mindfulness and meditation help with BDD?

While mindfulness and meditation may be helpful in managing stress and anxiety related to BDD, they are not a standalone treatment for the condition.

Is there a test for BDD?

There is no specific test for BDD, but a mental health professional can diagnose the condition through a clinical assessment.

Body Dysmorphic Disorder Quiz: Do You Have BDD? (2024)


Am I just insecure or do I have BDD? ›

Body dysmorphia is a mental health condition that causes people to have an obsessive fixation on minor or imagined flaws in their appearance. It causes someone to have an unrealistic perception of the way they look. This is a more intense version of insecurity.

How to score the BDDq? ›

Scoring of body dysmorphic disorder questionnaire (BDDQ). The severity scale of BDD was used from 0 to 4 (0 = level 0, 1 = level 1, 2 = level 2, 3 = level 3, 4 = level 4). A score of 4 was regarded as BDD. A score of 0 to 3 was considered negative for BDD.

What is the score for the body dysmorphic disorder questionnaire? ›

Scale scores range from 0-48. The cutpoint for the presence of the BDD diagnosis is 20. It is intended for use only with people who have already been diagnosed with BDD (it should not be used to screen for or diagnose BDD). It is best for the BDD-YBOCS to be administered by a trained clinician or rater.

Are people with BDD more attractive? ›

Four IEs who were blind to the group assignation examined the physical attractiveness of those partici- pants who agreed to have their photograph evaluated (BDD: n = 13; OCD: n = 16; Controls: n = 19). Overall, we found no differences for the physical attractiveness ratings for any group, F(2, 47) = . 03, p = . 98.

Do you see yourself skinnier than you are? ›

Researchers discovered how we gain impressions and perceptions about our own body weight. The mind blends observations made by peers and our own perception of our body to form how we think about our own weight. But that impression can be distorted, allowing us to think that we're thinner than we actually are.

Do people with BDD see faces differently? ›

Abnormal visual information processing in BDD may contribute to distorted perception of appearance; this may not be limited to their own faces, but to others' faces as well.

What is it called when you see your body differently? ›

Overview. Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental health condition in which you can't stop thinking about one or more perceived defects or flaws in your appearance — a flaw that appears minor or can't be seen by others.

How to get assessed for BDD? ›

Diagnosis of body dysmorphic disorder is typically based on:
  1. A psychological evaluation that assesses risk factors and thoughts, feelings, and behaviors related to negative self-image.
  2. Personal, social, family and medical history.
  3. Signs and symptoms.
Dec 13, 2022

What is a BDD assessment? ›

The BDDQ-AS includes 7 items which assess the core dimensions of BDD, namely preoccupation with flaws in physical appearance, appearance-related distress and interference with social, occupational or role functioning. Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Validated for Cosmetic Screening.

What is the dysmorphic concern scale? ›

The DCQ is a 7-item measure scored on a 4-point scale, aiming to assess concerns related to physical appearance as a potential symptom, eliminating the necessity to diagnose BDD [35]. Therefore, the DCQ enables assessing subclinical and clinical DC, without prejudging the pathology and etiology of the disorder [36].

What are the percentages of BDD? ›

BDD is a serious mental disorder, which causes devastating distress and interferes substantially with the ability to function in life. It affects about 1-2% of the adult population and sadly has one of the highest suicide rates of all mental health conditions with 1 in 50 making an attempt on their life.

What is the criteria for body dysmorphic disorder? ›

To be diagnosed with BDD: You must be abnormally concerned about a small or nonexistent body flaw. Your thoughts about your body flaw must be severe enough that they interfere with your ability to live normally. Other mental health disorders must be ruled out as a cause of your symptoms.

How rare is BDD? ›

How common is body dysmorphic disorder? Experts estimate that BDD affects about 2.4% of adults in the U.S. overall. It affects about 2.5% of women and people assigned female at birth and about 2.2% of men and people assigned male at birth. Outside the U.S., it affects between 1.7% and 2.9% of people.

Can you have BDD if you are fat? ›

While BDD usually doesn't involve worries about being too fat or weighing too much. BDD tends to be focused on specific areas of concern and restricted eating may be employed to try and alter those perceived flaws. Some people have both BDD and an eating disorder.

Can you beat BDD? ›

The symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) can get better with treatment. If your symptoms are relatively mild, you should be referred for a type of talking therapy called cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), which you have either on your own or in a group.

Is it body dysmorphia or just low self-esteem? ›

Body dysmorphia is much more than having low self-esteem; it is a debilitating disorder that is characterized by being “overly preoccupied” with imagined flaws or true minor flaws in their appearance to the extent that individuals spend hours each day obsessively thinking about this flaw.

Do you see yourself differently if you have body dysmorphia? ›

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) affects how you see yourself, causing you to judge yourself unfairly or harshly. If you have this condition, you may feel there's something wrong with how you look. That can make you feel anxious, scared or depressed or that you need to change or fix how you look.

Is it okay to self diagnose BDD? ›

Only a trained health professional can diagnose BDD, although the questionnaire can help guide you and your health professional. The questionnaire assumes that you do NOT have a disfigurement or a defect that is easily noticeable. The judgment on how noticeable your feature(s) can be made by a health professional.

What is the misdiagnosis of BDD? ›

BDD is commonly misdiagnosed as OCD (because both disorders are characterized by obsessions and compulsive behaviors) and may also be misdiagnosed as trichotillomania (in patients who cut or pluck their hair to improve their appearance).


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