Help! Should I buy these B&W speakers? (2024)


Super Member
  • Sep 29, 2022
  • #1

First of all, am very happy with my current main speakers, which are Rectilinear III's that I refurbished myself. I am somewhat attached to these, both for sentimental reasons, and because I think they sound great.

Then, along comes a sweet deal on a pair of B&W 802 Series 80 from a friend of a friend. He wants about 1/3 of what I have seen them sell for on Ebay, with some possibility of partial bartering for non audio stuff. They are in good shape, only missing one tweeter cover.

I have a lot of speakers, but I really can't keep 2 pairs of big floor standers. I am going to listen to them this weekend. I'm not sure what I could get if I decided to sell the Rect's, but I could probably offset at least some of the cost of the 802's.

What do I do? Are these 802's gonna be in a whole new league? I've heard great things about them.

Please give me advice!

Here's a pic and info from the web of the model, for reference:


AK Member


  • Sep 29, 2022
  • #2



Frog Whisperer
  • Sep 29, 2022
  • #3

WillVT said:

What do I do? Are these 802's gonna be in a whole new league?

IMO, yes. Obviously we can't predict how they'll sound to you, but if they're in perfect operating system, I suspect you'll be impressed.


AK Subscriber


  • Sep 29, 2022
  • #4

If it’s a friend of a friend, is there any reason you can’t audition them? Have your friend go with you and bring cash so the guy knows you’re not wasting his time. That’s a heavy speaker - you probably wouldn’t want to ship them in any case.

I’ve heard those sound pretty impressive on Coda electronics with a nice vinyl rig, fwiw. It was a long time ago, but as I recall they were capable of prodigious, well-defined bass. They were less impressive on digital and I don’t recall the guy’s digital front end, but I do know he was more into vinyl.

Frankly, I doubt that the Rectilinears could compare, but I also suspect that the B&Ws would start you on an upgrade cycle. They seemed to be fairly demanding of electronics.

Just my opinion. As always, YMMV.


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  • Sep 29, 2022
  • #6



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  • Sep 29, 2022
  • #7


It's just stuff - but fun
  • Sep 29, 2022
  • #8

No. It's hard to say no, I'll admit. But I STILL have stuff that is just collecting dust because it was such a good deal and too hard to pass up. But if you enjoy buying low and selling high on a fairly regular basis, you may want to get them. Some people really like to do that. To me this is like enjoying your mustang, not being in the market for another car, and finding a good deal on a Camaro. Buying stuff you don't "need" is hard to refuse, when it is your hobby, but for me, at least, I'm getting better at saying no, even to "good deals".


Frog Whisperer
  • Sep 29, 2022
  • #9

RobRoy said:

To me this is like enjoying your mustang, and finding a good deal on a Camaro.

More like enjoying your Mustang, then finding a good deal on a Corvette.


Super Member
  • Sep 29, 2022
  • #10

2FarGone said:

If it’s a friend of a friend, is there any reason you can’t audition them? Have your friend go with you and bring cash so the guy knows you’re not wasting his time. That’s a heavy speaker - you probably wouldn’t want to ship them in any case.

I’ve heard those sound pretty impressive on Coda electronics with a nice vinyl rig, fwiw. It was a long time ago, but as I recall they were capable of prodigious, well-defined bass. They were less impressive on digital and I don’t recall the guy’s digital front end, but I do know he was more into vinyl.

Frankly, I doubt that the Rectilinears could compare, but I also suspect that the B&Ws would start you on an upgrade cycle. They seemed to be fairly demanding of electronics.

Just my opinion. As always, YMMV.

I am going to audition them this weekend. My friend is remodeling this guys house. The speakers aren't on the market, so there's no pressure. He has some kind of Integra receiver there that we can hook up and test. Any suggestions with that? Strange as it sounds, I have never auditioned speakers in this way. I have always just bought without listening because something was such a good deal, or free and needed work. I could also bring some kind of amplification I guess.

RobRoy said:

No. It's hard to say no, I'll admit. But I STILL have stuff that is just collecting dust because it was such a good deal and too hard to pass up. If you enjoy buying low and selling high on a fairly regular basis, you may want to get them. To me this is like enjoying your mustang, and finding a good deal on a Camaro. Buying stuff you don't "need" is hard to refuse, when it is your hobby, but for me, at least, I'm getting better at saying no, even to "good deals".

If I did get these, and like them, they would be a replacement for the Rectilinears, which I would then sell. I have enough stuff collecting dust.

Erik Tracy

Everyone's happy when the wizard walks by
  • Sep 29, 2022
  • #11

Just curious, what does 1/3 of Ebay listings and possible bartering translate to in dollars?


It's just stuff - but fun
  • Sep 29, 2022
  • #12

swechsler said:

More like enjoying your Mustang, then finding a good deal on a Corvette.

Yep. I realized right after I posted that the "mustang v corvette" is the analogy I should have used. Help! Should I buy these B&W speakers? (15)


Super Member
  • Sep 29, 2022
  • #13

Erik Tracy said:

Just curious, what does 1/3 of Ebay listings and possible bartering translate to in dollars?

He suggested $450 to start off. We talked about trading some high end wine that I have, so maybe knock off 1-2 hundred? It's a very friendly situation, but he knows they are worth something.

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AK Subscriber


  • Sep 29, 2022
  • #14

WillVT said:

He suggested $450 to start off. We talked about trading some high end wine that I have, so maybe knock off 1-2 hundred? It's a very friendly situation, but he knows they are worth something.

If they’re in good operating condition, $450 is indeed a no-brainer. Keep in mind when you audition them however that the Integra receiver may allow you to verify proper operation, but is unlikely to really demonstrate what they sound like. For comparison, when I bought my Odeon La Bohemes it took five years (or more) before I was able to realize their full potential, largely because I had to figure out what they needed to fully achieve it.

It’s a journey for certain, but it’s hard to see how you could go wrong with that deal.

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Just an old fart trying to help.
  • Sep 29, 2022
  • #15

WillVT said:

I am going to audition them this weekend. My friend is remodeling this guys house. The speakers aren't on the market, so there's no pressure. He has some kind of Integra receiver there that we can hook up and test. Any suggestions with that? Strange as it sounds, I have never auditioned speakers in this way. I have always just bought without listening because something was such a good deal, or free and needed work. I could also bring some kind of amplification I guess.

If I did get these, and like them, they would be a replacement for the Rectilinears, which I would then sell. I have enough stuff collecting dust.

If possible, take some music you are very familiar with. Using a recording that you know how it sounds with your system will enable you to hear differences, good or bad. As long as you're taking an amp, may as well take source material you know well.


Super Member
  • Sep 29, 2022
  • #16

From what I can tell, these are actually the 802F Special, which have the Environmental Controls on the back, and are supposedly the most desirable of the early 802's. Woo Hoo!


Old Stuff New Stuff As long as it's Good Stuff


  • Sep 29, 2022
  • #17

Yep that falls into the no brainer category. You'll probably have money left over from the Rectilinear III's


Super Member
  • Sep 29, 2022
  • #18

What do y'all think about amplification for these? Is my Marantz 140 up to the task? That's pretty much the best I've got at the moment. Other options are a Carver PM1200, Onkyo TX-4500, and a bunch of lower powered receivers. Oh, and a little 12wpc tube amp...
(Look at me talking like I already have them!)



Active Member
  • Sep 29, 2022
  • #19

I'd buy them to sell. Hopefully they sound better than they look. Oooff.


Frog Whisperer
  • Sep 29, 2022
  • #20

WillVT said:

What do y'all think about amplification for these?

This page says the minimum power required is 80WPC, so the Marantz might just barely be enough. I'd try that first, otherwise, the Carver will definitely have more than enough power.

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Help! Should I buy these B&W speakers? (2024)


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